Twitter is such a pile of crap now….

I normally tweet out a bio of one of my characters each day. It’s something I enjoy doing. I don’t tweet a whole lot, either. Even on my busiest days, I’ll mostly reply to writing questions, or respond to the tweets of someone I enjoy interacting with. My last tweet was 22 hours ago, according to Twitter.

Yet, when I tried to tweet out a bio today, I’m told that I’m over my daily limit of tweets. It’s literally my first tweet of the day.

I checked to see if my account was compromised, but of course, it’s fine. This is just Twitter being broken. Because Elon has all the skill at running a business of a three-year-old with ADHD. He fired all their techs and got rid of all their tech support. So I guess I just won’t be tweeting anymore. At least not until somebody notices me and the likely thousands of other people this happened to aren’t tweeting, and then notices that something’s wrong with the rate limits.

God only knows when that will be.


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