A quick note about Buffer Overflow

I’m getting really close to finishing. I’ve got several chapters written, but I’ve been doing some reworking and editing, so I’m reluctant to publish them. I actually regret putting the prior parts out there, because I’m unable to change what’s written in them without it being obvious that I don’t know what I’m doing.

Honestly, though, I think that’s obvious from other factors, so maybe it doesn’t matter.

So here’s my plan. I’m going to finish the story. It’s novella length, maybe a short novel. It’s currently a little under 40k words, and I’ve yet to write the climax and epilogue. So maybe 50-60k words, all told. When that’s done, I’m going to edit it just like I would anything else.

No beta reading, unfortunately, because my beta readers are volunteers and have busy lives of their own. They don’t need me demanding more of their time.

Then I’m going to delete the old posts here, and make a new one. The new one will contain the whole story.

I’m also working on some music inspired by it. The project file is called “Buffer Overflow OST” but that’s just because I have dramatic naming conventions. It really makes me feel the same way the story does, so there’s that. I’ll see about getting that up here, when it’s ready.


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