Operator School

Also known as OS. The common school for any soldier to train to become an Operator in the Special Operations Command. The term “Operator” is used to refer to all operational personnel; soldiers with combat roles in the SOC. It takes 4 years to complete, much of which consists of running highly detailed virt-sim exercises and real-world exercises against each other and recent graduates. Graduates of the Operator School are entitled to wear a green beret and to refer to themselves as Operators, regardless of their subsequent unit assignment. Like the SOG-AS course which precedes it, it is a pass-fail training course, and has an average pass rate of 41.2%. The higher pass rate is a result of the much more demanding SOG-AS weeding out more of those who cannot pass. Owing to the peculiarities of Draughtgen psychology, graduates tend to be emotionally maladjusted, socially awkward and prone to obsessions and addictive behavior.


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