
One of the Terran subspecies. Classified as Homo Sapiens Artifactus. Directly descended from the first-ever Terran subspecies, the Gen Ones. They, like their parents, were designed from the genes up to be exceptional infantry soldiers and tacticians, and are possessed of increased strength, speed, reflexes, heightened senses and extended lifespans in comparison to Mainline humans. They live to an average age of 197, and their puberty takes longer than that of mainline humans, ending at around 30-35 years of age. Mid-life is generally considered to begin around age 70-80, and many retire at around the age of 150. 

Both female and male Draughtgen are less fertile than Mainline humans, and male Draughtgen experience erectile dysfunction at very high rates in comparison to the rest of humanity. 

Their genetic code is so complex that, while virtually unknown to the rest of humanity, cancer is still endemic among them. They are incapable of mating with normal humans without medical assistance. They are visually indistinguishable from Mainline humans.

Genes which impact psychological traits were altered as well as those which impact physical ones. As a result, Draughtgen tend to be more psychologically homogeneous than other Terran subspecies. While they exist entirely within and occupy all parts of the spectrum of human psychology, they tend to have a recognizable character, similar to humans who fall within the most highly-functioning regions of the autism spectrum. Many of the least emotionally well-adjusted members tend to out-perform their peers in the military, leading to a tendency for their most elite troops to be somewhat mentally unstable and emotionally immature. Among the rest of humanity, they are often stereotyped as highly physically affectionate, sexually hyperactive, introverted and excitable. 

The Imperial Defense Force does not accept non-Draughtgen, as its training and doctrine are geared towards Draughtgen soldiers, and non-Draughtgen generally have significant difficulty meeting expectations.

Some Draughtgen inherited the ability to induce Combat Disassociation, albeit in an adulterated form known as Combat Psychosis. Combat Psychosis is accompanied by an intense rage, and is highly difficult to induce, often requiring intense trauma before manifesting for the first time. These Draughtgen are widely and somewhat pejoratively known as Berserkers, and they require extensive psychological and meditative training to be able to induce the state and manifest it in the manner in which it was originally designed to be experienced.


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