Also known as an FCI. A device which produces an extremely highly tuned electromagnetic field flooded with equally-finely tuned alpha, beta and gamma radiation. It inverts the fundamental electrical charge of all atoms of any
Matter AntiMatter Reaction. The primary method of power and thrust production in the Empire and most first-world nations in the known galaxy. The use of fundamental charge inverters makes the storage of anti-matter a non-issue,
A small, 0.2 to 1 meter long unmanned warp-capable spacecraft consisting entirely of a powerful warp drive, a computer, a transceiver, multiple redundant memory drives and an array of extremely high capacity batteries and capacitors.
Also known as a WRS, a warp relay station is a space station that is capable of docking and launching warp buoys at extremely high rates, ranging from several dozen to several hundred thousand per
A method of faster-than-light nonlocal translation, which uses advanced technology to warp space into an Alcubierre metric around the ship, allowing it to change relative positions faster than the speed of light. It is the
A form of nanites that has no capabilities beyond forming specific shapes and locking into place by forming atomic bonds, which can be released or created on command. The locked shapes are stronger than forged
Another name for nanorobots. Microscopic, robotic devices which can be designed for a wide variety of uses, including manufacturing, weapons systems and medical systems. Most have some computational ability, as well as a connection to
Brain Computer Interface. Despite the name, it is itself, both a computer and the interface, ranging in size from a grain of rice to a small pill which is implanted in the user’s skull, generally